The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
J’ai Lu
The Alchemist by Paul Coelho is the story of a young shepherd named Santiago, who goes in search of a treasure located near the Pyramids. During his journey, he meets the Alchemist who teaches him how to listen to his heart, to read the signs of destiny, and most importantly, to follow his dreams.
The Alchemist is the first book of personal development I ever read, and it was a revelation to me. It opened my eyes on how to deal with the different experiences of life, as well as how to listen to the different messages of destiny. This philosophical tale is a breath of fresh air and I guarantee that after reading it, you will become a new person.
Here are the best 10 quotes from « The Alchemist ».
« Everything in life is a sign. »
« The closer you get to your dream, the more the personal legend becomes the real reason to live. »
« Nobody should be afraid of the unknown, because every person is capable of achieving what he wants and needs. »
« When you can't go back, you only have to worry about the best way to move forward. »
« When you really want something, the whole universe conspires to allow you to realize your desire. »
« The fear of failure should not discourage us from attempting the great work. »
« The secret is in the present; if you pay attention to the present, what comes next will also be better. »
« The darkest hour is just before sunrise. »
« A person who lives his personal legend knows all he needs to know. There is only one thing that can make a dream impossible: the fear of failure. »
« Live in the present because the present is full of surprises and you have to be there. »